And I learned something new this weekend…it was Dale Jarrett who started the “kissing the bricks” when he won the race a few years back. I did not know that. I hope some other important piece of information doesn’t get shoved out of my head by that little bit of trivia. Hmmm, where did I put my apartment keys when I left home?? Uh oh!!
As is our practice, we headed to the track bright and early at 7am so as to beat some of the traffic, and score a decent parking spot. Our hotel this year was down towards the south end of town, allowing us to skip getting on any interstate anywhere to get to the track…it was all surface streets to the track, a route we had plotted out during our errands on Friday.
Unfortunately, Indianapolis police had a slightly different idea of what our route should be, and for a fraction of a moment we thought they were going to direct us all the way out to I465 to come back in on Crawfordville road with the masses, but we managed to find a substitute side street to the one we had originally chosen, but that the police had blocked off, and made it there without major problems.
Parking in our favorite lot right across from the tunnel to the infield, we first headed down to the Tony Stewart hauler so my friend could pick up a knapsack to replace her sagging vinyl bag. The girl carries so much in…as there was no rain predicted, and my seat cushion was left behind at home due to lack of room in the suitcase, I was traveling light, scanner on the hip, camera around the neck, and my small purse with the necessities. Oh, and our neck coolers…we bought those at IRP the day before when the sun came out and things heated up, and they were a Godsend. Past experience told us we were going to need them again this day, and we were right.
After dropping off our purchases at the car, we headed inside, as once in, if you leave, they won’t let you back in. First stop was the souvenir haulers inside, and I found the 99 hauler no problem. The told me that someone had the banner, so I didn’t have to worry about it. Things were starting to pick up at the haulers, so I left them be to go about their business, and we headed down to Gasoline Alley to see what we could see.
Imagine our disappointment when we got there, only to find out that you now must have pit passes to cross over and go up on the balconies overlooking the garages. Since pit passes are not sold to the general public, but just to those in suites and hospitality areas, we lowly race fans were out in the cold (figuratively speaking, of was already quite warm at 9am) when it came to peeking into the inside workings of a Cup garage. I was very disappointed, because they line up according to points, so this year Carl’s garage should have been right below the area they used to let us in to. Had we been there at 7am when the gates opened, we would have gotten to be up there for an hour or so before they shut it down, but as we had not known they were changing their practice in this area, we did not head straight there when we got there. Next time we will. Or we’ll mug a couple of over-dressed hospitality goers for their pit passes…LOL (Just joking…I think……….) One track official told us they weren’t even supposed to allow people to line up along Gasoline Alley any more, but he thought that was unfair when you figure how much we had paid for the tickets, so they weren’t shooing people away from there. The would likely have had a riot on their hands had they tried.
We split up because I wanted to watch what I could see of the garage going-ons from the limited angle we had, and my friend wanted to go down and find our seats. It wasn’t long before I figured out I wasn’t going to be able to see much due to the number of people between me and the fence, so I wandered off in search of my friend.
Stopping along pit lane to snap some pics of the 99 car, already sitting on pit lane, ready to roll (those 99 guys are SOOOO efficient!!), I found my friend at the 99 pit stall, which was fortunately in easy sight of our seats. We chatted with the guys a minute, but left them alone to go sit in our seats a while, in the shade (it was going to be a scorcher, we could already tell at 9:30am), as they appeared to be VERY busy…LOL
As Driver introduction time approached, I headed down to where I knew the drivers were brought in by van and dropped off behind the Pagoda to go up the steps for their intros, and staked out a spot on a planter were I would be able to stand with a view above the crowd. Hey, even a tall gal needs help in a crowd situation!!
I chatted with a nice Kasey Kahne fan who joined me when she found out why the officials were gathering in that area, and we waited…
Nancy Sterling (Carl Edwards' Mom) ran by at one point, and I called out “Hi Nancy!” to her, and she greeted me back and waved on the run…she said she’d be back, but I couldn’t see how, as it was getting close to race time, and I imagined she was headed down to pit lane.
Finally the police started dividing the crowds and the first van came through…lots of good pics, but no Carl.
Ditto the second van, and third, and forth….before we knew it, they were all through, and my new KK fan friend and I had neither of us seen our drivers…the sneaky little devils must have snuck in another way!!!
As I headed back around beside the pagoda to go down the row to our seats (my friend had stayed there to get the shots of the drivers in their trucks) I realized that drivers were coming off the intro stage at the side, and down the stairs there, so I took up residence…
I spotted Carl up on one of the balconies, so snapped a couple of pics as best I could through the railing…and took shots of drivers coming off the stage and down the stairs.
I told her she owed me for what I sacrificed to get her that pic!! She assures me she has a pic of Carl riding by on his truck, but I haven't seen it yet.
I was so disgusted with my lack of good reflexes, I turned and stormed off…only to whip back around when I head the crowd chanting “Mark!! Mark!!!” and see Mark Martin go down the stairs!!! UGH!!!! My reflexes were REALLY shot…I really needed more sleep, I think.
Back in our seats, we settled in for a long race, one that turned out to be eventful. Our neck cooler thingies were properly chilled, and by now our seats were in the direct sunlight, so we needed them…there were frequent trips down to the beverage carts for water and ice to help us keep cool.
As the laps wore done, and it looked more and more like Tony Stewart might pull off his second Brickyard win, of course we headed down to get as close to Victory lane as possible. At the Brickyard, this means bunching up at the fence behind Victory lane, and hoping for a glimpse.
Unfortunately, due to a couple of Nextel officials and some security officers blocking what little view there WAS from back there, we got limited pictures of the Victory Lane activities...the LAST time Tony won there, he came back to the opening and gave the fans on our side a thumbs up, but not this time...oh, well!!
What is generally a pretty good egress from the Lot 2 parking lot found us parked for about an hour...apparently a couple of idiots had gotten into a car accident that blocked off one of the 2 exits, and as such, we were at a much so, in the heat, that some good Samaritans came along passing out bottled water to those stranded in their cars.
Eventually, we DID make it back to the hotel. Another enjoyable (albeit sweaty!!) Nascar weekend under our belts!!!
Next stop?? RICHMOND!!!!!!