After a quick trip down I-680 through Dublin and Alamo (not “THE” Alamo, just Alamo!! LOL) to the airport in the wee hours of the morning Thursday, just prior to the Gateway weekend, I was happy to have an uneventful flight to St. Louis for this gathering of friends supporting Carl Edwards…Diehard Edheads. The majority gathering were of the most supportive kind of Edhead…from his home town and surrounding area, there to cheer on their hometown boy.
During my flight, the unimaginable happened -- I got off my plane in Denver with less than an hour to find the next gate and get on the plane for the second leg of my flight, only to find that Denver airport actually does what no other airport I’ve been in does (Are you LISTENING, Phoenix….Atlanta….?????)….you actually get off at a gate in one terminal, then just walk a short distance to the next gate IN THE SAME TERMINAL, instead of having traverse the entire length of the airport to get to your connecting gate!! Someone send a memo to these other airports.
Friday was bright and sunny, and the weather forecast for the race weekend actually appeared very promising, starting with this day…it was a very pleasant mid-seventies with a breeze. The Edheads met up, as is tradition, at IB Nuts and Racing in Columbia, to peruse the Carl Edwards merchandise (and some yummy snacks…got me some Mo Munch that my coworkers and I really enjoyed at work the next week!) and support Carl’s home-town economy….then headed off to Billiards on Broadway for lunch.
After a fun lunch with the traditional drawing for original CCN merchandise (Thanks so much for that Commodore!) and a surprise visit by Carl Edwards Sr (AKA Mike), we dispersed, some to head to the track for practice, others for other fun things…Jeff and I dropped in to visit MK, Commodore’s wife, as I had not seen her since last year….Gene and MK were nice enough to put up and feed Jeff while he was down earlier in the week for the Bike Ride with Carl for Sam, and I think they deserve the Hosts with the Mostest Award, because they cannot be beaten in that department!! Right Jean Marie, Jen and Logan??
After dragging ourselves away from their place (and yummy food that we didn’t need so close to lunch, but you can’t beat MK’s home cooking!!) Jeff and I made the 2 hour trek back to Gateway International Raceway to meet up with Amie, Jean Marie, Jan, Chrissi, Jamie Jo, Lisa (yes, Jeff was remarkably outnumbered!), Michelle, Tony, LeeAnne and her son to watch practice.
En route back to St. Louis from Columbia, we had our own little Nascar race on I-70 that ALMOST resulted in a Kyle Busch-type incident…someone getting wrecked. This guy in a Ford Sable was driving along in front of us in the fast lane, but obviously did not have cruise control, OR a stable gas pedal foot. He would speed up, and Jeff would no sooner get the cruise control set, content to draft along behind him, than he would slow down, resulting in Jeff having to slow down, turning off the cruise control. After several miles of this, the road widened another lane, and there was room for someone to move over, so when this guy didn’t move over to let us pass, Jeff went over a lane and passed him.
Apparently he didn’t LIKE being passed, because he proceeded to tailgate us so bad that Jeff pulled over again to let him pass, and we ended up coming up on a Chevy truck (go figure!) and had to slow down. But instead of continuing the pass and driving on, this guy slowed down right beside us, effectively boxing us in….
So Jeff slowed down more, and got back in behind him, a tad frustrated now, and showed it by tailgating this guy back. Only to get brake-checked by him!!
As you can imagine, by this time “You’re # One” hand signals were flying, then Jeff saw a break in the traffic, pulled back over behind the Chevy (who had pulled ahead, thanks to this guys crazy antics) then pulled over another lane right, gunned it, and flat outran this guy in the Ford, who got trapped behind ANOTHER slow mover in the fast lane.
WHEW!! Close call…I was glad Jeff wasn’t carrying. But we saw no more of the guy in the Ford.
Arriving at the track, we headed in, and Jeff peeled off on business, so we gals (and few guys) congregated in the stands. Of course, I had to stop and give Cowboy a hug hello, and see how he was doing. Our favorite security guard and fellow Edhead was glad to see us.
We enjoyed practice, but this would be the first hint that the weekend was going to be cooler than I am traditionally used to (I’ve almost melted both weekends I was there previously!)…the breeze was definitely cool, and poor Amie in her skirt, sandals and t-shirt had not brought a sweater. Her toes were blue!!!! (well, actually, at first it was just her blue nail polish, but as practice ran on and the cool breeze continued, she realized they REALLY WERE getting blue!! LOL)
After practice wrapped up, a few of us headed back to Ruby Tuesday’s, then to a bar that had been recommended to us as a “happening place”…and boy was it. After being patted down for weapons (YIKES!!) and paying a $7 cover, our spirits were raised to enter a large space where people were line-dancing (fun people-watching!) and $1 longnecks (after 2 beers, we’d made our cover back!) were available. We enjoyed the dancing (a few even joined in, but I have 2 left feet, and don’t get line-dancing) and the band was good, so it was fun. Around 12:30 a few of us left a group there and headed back to our respective hotels, because even though it was not going to be an early morning the next day (Gateway’s parking doesn’t open until around noon, or whenever the cars start backing up onto the road), it was going to be a long day.
By leaving so “early”, we apparently missed an event that, according to the remainder of the group, bordered on pornographic…a thong contest. And NOT the footwear. SOOO sad I missed that. (Sarcasm, folks!!)
The next morning, we rendezvoused in the line-up for parking in Orange West…Commodore and crew and Michelle and crew had inside and outside pole positions, so things looked good for the group getting a decent tailgating spot, and sure enough, after passing some time snapping pics of the abundant number of dragonflies at the side of the road, they opened the gates early (the cars were backed up onto the road, which HAS to violate some kind of law!) so we moved like cattle into the corral to grab what real estate we could. Other than a few strays that had to park up a bit from the main group, we got a great spot with room for tailgating right by the main gate into the track, so we scored again.
Get a bunch of Edheads together and not only have you got your tailgating site set up quickly, but you also end up with WAY more food than the group can eat, and GOOD food at that!! We even shared the burgers later with a group that came in by limo Hummer. Their monstrosity of a vehicle was just travelling through the lot, trading cold beers for food, and they had to make the sharp turn at our gate onto the parking inside the gate….THAT was a tricky maneuver!!
High points of tailgating:
Getting called “EGGheads” by an inebriated Harvick fan across from us. (She was harmless, just having fun!)
Converting a young Kyle Busch fan:
High points of tailgating:
Getting called “EGGheads” by an inebriated Harvick fan across from us. (She was harmless, just having fun!)
Converting a young Kyle Busch fan:
Making our “Ortho Weed B Gon” sign (Exellent Shrub control!!), to see if waving it around at a race worked as good as posting it in a chat room:
Just hanging out with a bunch of really great people. A core group have attended races at Gateway for years, and every year new Edheads join the group, so aside from seeing old friends, we got to meet new friends, too.
When the gates finally opened, we rushed through with 2 goals:
Attempt to get one of the prized tickets to get things signed by Carl later in the afternoon at a Q&A/Signing at his souvenir hauler. Last year, only those who went through early because they bought the Track pack had gotten them in time (they traditionally only pass out 100), and Friday I had stopped by the souvenir hauler to enquire about getting one for the 7 year old (Logan, Jen’s nephew) in our group. He declined to give me one (which is his right), so I explained that last year when they handed out the tickets AT 2pm, like the plan was this year, those of us at the gate into the track waiting for it to be opened and let us through, at 2pm, had not gotten through in time to get tickets…they were gone by the time we cleared security and got to the trailer.
Attempt to get one of the prized tickets to get things signed by Carl later in the afternoon at a Q&A/Signing at his souvenir hauler. Last year, only those who went through early because they bought the Track pack had gotten them in time (they traditionally only pass out 100), and Friday I had stopped by the souvenir hauler to enquire about getting one for the 7 year old (Logan, Jen’s nephew) in our group. He declined to give me one (which is his right), so I explained that last year when they handed out the tickets AT 2pm, like the plan was this year, those of us at the gate into the track waiting for it to be opened and let us through, at 2pm, had not gotten through in time to get tickets…they were gone by the time we cleared security and got to the trailer.
Get down to Turn 4 to enter the track for the track walk. We knew Carl wasn’t advertised to join this year, but doing a track walk is always fun, and the money is always for a good cause, so I try to do it every year, at any track I’m at where one is available. Besides, Kenny Wallace was scheduled to do it, so that would be neat.
I don’t know if the souvenir hauler driver paid attention to what I said and delayed a few minutes in starting to give out the tickets for Carl's signing, or the people at the gate decided to let us through a few minutes earlier, but those of us inside early AND those who went through right at 2pm and went to get in line all got tickets for the signing!! YAY!!
This was especially cool for those of us there who had been there last year. Tony had taken it upon himself to have 8x10 pics of the Edheads in Victory Lane in 2008 blown up for each of us. That was really AWESOME of him, especially since I had printed out a copy of mine in case I got a chance to get it signed, but had forgotten it at home. NOW I had something to get signed!!
Also, Tony had blown it up to a larger size, and those of us there from last year signed OUR autographs above it. This would be presented to Carl at the signing.
Heading on down towards turn 4, I tried to slow my rather long legs to match Michele’s rather short ones, and along with Jen and Logan headed the rest of the way to the tunnel to join the others on the track walk.
As I predicted, the track walk was fun, however, Kenny Wallace had a signing outside the track as soon as he was done, so he didn’t even wait for all the walkers to get through the gate before he started the walk…by the time we got through and onto pit lane to head into turn 4 (the walk at Gateway goes clockwise, backwards to how the cars actually drive it), he and the main group were already in turn 4.
I don’t know if the souvenir hauler driver paid attention to what I said and delayed a few minutes in starting to give out the tickets for Carl's signing, or the people at the gate decided to let us through a few minutes earlier, but those of us inside early AND those who went through right at 2pm and went to get in line all got tickets for the signing!! YAY!!
This was especially cool for those of us there who had been there last year. Tony had taken it upon himself to have 8x10 pics of the Edheads in Victory Lane in 2008 blown up for each of us. That was really AWESOME of him, especially since I had printed out a copy of mine in case I got a chance to get it signed, but had forgotten it at home. NOW I had something to get signed!!
Also, Tony had blown it up to a larger size, and those of us there from last year signed OUR autographs above it. This would be presented to Carl at the signing.
Heading on down towards turn 4, I tried to slow my rather long legs to match Michele’s rather short ones, and along with Jen and Logan headed the rest of the way to the tunnel to join the others on the track walk.
As I predicted, the track walk was fun, however, Kenny Wallace had a signing outside the track as soon as he was done, so he didn’t even wait for all the walkers to get through the gate before he started the walk…by the time we got through and onto pit lane to head into turn 4 (the walk at Gateway goes clockwise, backwards to how the cars actually drive it), he and the main group were already in turn 4.
We never did catch up to the main pack, but those who got through and managed to stay with the main group got a special treat…Carl joined in! He told the group they had been out for a drive, and came back and he saw the group on the track, so he thought he’d join in.
We back markers got a great view of the track and the fun of each others company, but that’s it. Poor Michele really wanted Kenny’s autograph. And it WOULD have been nice to walk with Carl again. Fortunately Michele lucked out and got Kenny’s autograph afterwards at his signing outside the track.
After some more tailgating, we headed back in to be ready for Carl’s signing. He was qualifying 7th, and was scheduled to come to the hauler after he’d finished his run. We were told that if he won the pole, he MIGHT have to cut out early to do the media stuff involved with winning the pole, but he had said he would come back as soon as he was done. What a guy.
As Tony planned to give Carl the picture from last year, we joined the end of the line, staying out front for a short bit first to let the rest go through the line up, and enjoy some of Carl’s Q&A. When Carl arrived, he did a group thing with some kids from the Dream Factory behind the hauler first, and then came in to hang with us regular fans.
It’s amazing how quickly Carl can sign 200 items (2 each for 100 tickets…although I know for a fact a few in line didn’t have tickets. LOL) and THEN, because he had time, he stuck around afterwards to sign for others. I was glad to see him continue this practice, as he had done in Phoenix, because a gentleman and his deaf son had tried to join the line, but were told they needed tickets, which they did not know. The man had a photo of Carl with his deaf son that he wanted to get signed…I told him to hang around out front, that Carl always signs for more than those who have tickets if he has time.
The laugh of the signing was Carl showing the photo Amie had brought to be signed…the one of him and Amie on the bike ride, showing him pointing at her t-shirt, towards her chest, because she dared to wear a Kansas City Jay Hawks shirt. How dare she? LOL Anyway, Amie had decided that that particular moment in history needed an autograph…and Carl had to hold the picture up for the crowd and explain it to them, and emphasize he was NOT pointing at her “anatomy”, which she had been teasing him about. Too fun.
We back markers got a great view of the track and the fun of each others company, but that’s it. Poor Michele really wanted Kenny’s autograph. And it WOULD have been nice to walk with Carl again. Fortunately Michele lucked out and got Kenny’s autograph afterwards at his signing outside the track.
After some more tailgating, we headed back in to be ready for Carl’s signing. He was qualifying 7th, and was scheduled to come to the hauler after he’d finished his run. We were told that if he won the pole, he MIGHT have to cut out early to do the media stuff involved with winning the pole, but he had said he would come back as soon as he was done. What a guy.
As Tony planned to give Carl the picture from last year, we joined the end of the line, staying out front for a short bit first to let the rest go through the line up, and enjoy some of Carl’s Q&A. When Carl arrived, he did a group thing with some kids from the Dream Factory behind the hauler first, and then came in to hang with us regular fans.
It’s amazing how quickly Carl can sign 200 items (2 each for 100 tickets…although I know for a fact a few in line didn’t have tickets. LOL) and THEN, because he had time, he stuck around afterwards to sign for others. I was glad to see him continue this practice, as he had done in Phoenix, because a gentleman and his deaf son had tried to join the line, but were told they needed tickets, which they did not know. The man had a photo of Carl with his deaf son that he wanted to get signed…I told him to hang around out front, that Carl always signs for more than those who have tickets if he has time.
The laugh of the signing was Carl showing the photo Amie had brought to be signed…the one of him and Amie on the bike ride, showing him pointing at her t-shirt, towards her chest, because she dared to wear a Kansas City Jay Hawks shirt. How dare she? LOL Anyway, Amie had decided that that particular moment in history needed an autograph…and Carl had to hold the picture up for the crowd and explain it to them, and emphasize he was NOT pointing at her “anatomy”, which she had been teasing him about. Too fun.
Carl seemed really appreciative of the photo of us from last year in Victory Lane, and I suspect it will find a home somewhere where he’ll look at it from time to time, but there was more. After we were all done, we congregated behind the hauler, and Randy agreed to allow Chrissi give Carl his other gift when he came out. You see, a few of us had invested in “Edhead pit shirts” earlier in the season…very expensive shirts designed like a pit crew shirt, by a company that does pit crew shirts, with the design silk-screened right in. VERY limited edition, because of how much they cost, and as it was a company that did team shirts, it kind of got delayed while they worked on other products, but we finally had them, just in time for Gateway….and Carl was getting one, too:
We knew Carl was hanging around out front to continue signing autographs; we had to wait patiently for a short while until he was done to do this.
Finally, he came out the back of the hauler, and Chrissi got a great hug from him for the shirt, after she explained all the logos (honoring lost Edheads)….I’m sure Chrissi won’t ever forget it.
We knew Carl was hanging around out front to continue signing autographs; we had to wait patiently for a short while until he was done to do this.
Finally, he came out the back of the hauler, and Chrissi got a great hug from him for the shirt, after she explained all the logos (honoring lost Edheads)….I’m sure Chrissi won’t ever forget it.
Back at the campsite, the grill fired and we enjoyed a lavish spread before heading into the track for the race. Jeff was “working” for, and as such would be watching the race from inside the track, as he snapped photos mainly from Turn 2, so I hung with my buddy, Logan during the race.
He was my honorary sign bearer of the “Weed B Gon” sign I had drawn up during dinner, and was enthusiastic in his duties, taking them very seriously…so much so, we had to explain to him that he shouldn’t hold the sign up while the race was going on, so that people behind him could see the race. I didn’t see it in the telecast when I watched it back at home, but one far-flung Edhead told me on Facebook she had seen it during the race, and had gotten a chuckle out of it.
He nodded his understanding, but later, he asked me something during the race that I couldn’t hear, so I just nodded and smiled (dumb move with a 7-year old...he could be asking ANYTHING!!) and next thing I know, it was up and waving again. LOL
Apparently “Weed B Gon”, intended for Kyle Busch (aka “The Shrub”) was more powerful than we thought…because, although it missed the Shrub, Kevin Harvick, Carl’s OTHER main competition this night, ran out of gas shortly after this sign waving incident.
Of course, the first inkling I had that Carl would not win this race was that HARVICK had chosen HIS pit stall, right across from the start/finish line and with the opening to the garage behind it….the pit stall that Carl and crew had used the 2 times he had won there. Right in front of us. At least we got to witness first-hand Harvick and team's frustration in trying to get that car restarted.
Thankfully, Weed B Gon stopped his charge, even if it wasn’t intended for him…I firmly believe in the power of Weed B Gon…but it never slowed the Shrub down. Bad aim, I guess.
After the race, some braved the traffic while some hung out at the site, waiting for traffic to thin out, and checking out each others photos. A great way to pass the time, rather than sitting in traffic.
Aside from it being my first time at a Gateway race when Carl DIDN’T win (and Logan’s tears when he realized he wasn’t going to get to see Carl do a back flip had us all a bit choked up!), the people made all the difference. You can go to a race, or GO to a race, and with the Edheads, it’s always the latter, and always great fun, no matter the end result of the race.
He was my honorary sign bearer of the “Weed B Gon” sign I had drawn up during dinner, and was enthusiastic in his duties, taking them very seriously…so much so, we had to explain to him that he shouldn’t hold the sign up while the race was going on, so that people behind him could see the race. I didn’t see it in the telecast when I watched it back at home, but one far-flung Edhead told me on Facebook she had seen it during the race, and had gotten a chuckle out of it.
He nodded his understanding, but later, he asked me something during the race that I couldn’t hear, so I just nodded and smiled (dumb move with a 7-year old...he could be asking ANYTHING!!) and next thing I know, it was up and waving again. LOL
Apparently “Weed B Gon”, intended for Kyle Busch (aka “The Shrub”) was more powerful than we thought…because, although it missed the Shrub, Kevin Harvick, Carl’s OTHER main competition this night, ran out of gas shortly after this sign waving incident.
Of course, the first inkling I had that Carl would not win this race was that HARVICK had chosen HIS pit stall, right across from the start/finish line and with the opening to the garage behind it….the pit stall that Carl and crew had used the 2 times he had won there. Right in front of us. At least we got to witness first-hand Harvick and team's frustration in trying to get that car restarted.
Thankfully, Weed B Gon stopped his charge, even if it wasn’t intended for him…I firmly believe in the power of Weed B Gon…but it never slowed the Shrub down. Bad aim, I guess.
After the race, some braved the traffic while some hung out at the site, waiting for traffic to thin out, and checking out each others photos. A great way to pass the time, rather than sitting in traffic.
Aside from it being my first time at a Gateway race when Carl DIDN’T win (and Logan’s tears when he realized he wasn’t going to get to see Carl do a back flip had us all a bit choked up!), the people made all the difference. You can go to a race, or GO to a race, and with the Edheads, it’s always the latter, and always great fun, no matter the end result of the race.