Well, Day 2 found 5 gals in "Official Edhead" shirts bouncing back and forth between Concord Mills Mall, Walmart and Roush Racing...we garnered a few looks, I tell ya...And 2 of them, separate at the beginning of the day, having a "Close Encounter" of the NASCAR kind...peripherally involving Carl!! Imagine their enthusiam at running into Clint Bowyer at the Harley shop...and having Clint call Carl and tell him he was taking pictures with Edheads! Too cool!
We started out after a long night's rest for the mall, having a day to burn. En route, I had a brilliant thought...."Let's go over to Roush!!!"
Twist Paige's and Maureen's rubber arms!!!
So off we went...explored the museum, but not too thoroughly, knowing we would be back tomorrow, then into the Roush shop...giving the gals behind a counter a bit of a double take in our matching shirts...The shirts, of course, engendered some explanations, as they were running a shop selling OFFICIAL Carl stuff...but once they realized we were with the official fan club, they were all smiles and cheery.
Anyway, after grocery shopping for saturday, and a few other things, Jen let us know that last year the 99 crew had had pit practice around 4:30pm on the thursday...so you KNOW we weren't going to miss that!!!
Back to Roush again, we hung out outside the fence as they practiced, dodging official people who were allowed in and COT carcasses on wagons...and watched as the boys fine-tuned their pit stops. I let my intern "CCN PHOTOGS" do their best, I know they're going to have some great shots...my camera, however, suddenly flashed "Memory Card Full" after a few pics...turns out my Phoenix photos were still on it...DOH!!!! I did manage to get a few before this happened, though.
We didn't bug the guys, as they were working, and had to proceed inside for mandatory work-outs, but Mike Brown DID come over and chat with us a little bit...he's looking good, he's been working out, slimmed down a bit so that with his "summer cut" as he called it, we almost didn't recognize him at the PCC.
Anyway, we then headed off to Quaker Steak and Lube to meet up with the rest of the group...a scrumptious meal later, we had chatted and caught up, and only a few food-related or bill-related mishaps, as often happens when there's a large group at a restaurant.
Sadly, the time to eat took longer than we thought, and by the time we got to the Speedpark, a "educational delay" had occured...that being, apparently most of the staff there are high school students, and had school the next day, so they closed before we got there...BOOO!!! Who needs an education, anyway??? LOL
So, the Edfest 500 of 2007 will TENTATIVELY be held on the "educational delay" time of AFTER Roush racing shops tomorrow morning...time TBA...sorry, live telecast not available unless you have Speed2, CCN's new NASCAR channel. All Carl, all the time.....BTW, I'm sort of an imposter this weekend...my CCN Press credentials are in the mail!!!
Night all!!
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