So this is what 7am looks
like when you haven't been up all night?? I threw Jeff for a loop when I woke
up around the same time as his day-shift butt. But that's what happens when you take a Percocet at 10pm and doze off.
Foot's not bad at all, now,
just a bit sore in the bunion areas....I think I'll just try Motrin this
morning. AFTER some food...Motrin's actually harder on the stomach than
What to do today?? Probably laundry....after 4 days in bed, the sheets DEFINITELY need to be washed... Jeff's Honey Do list is to get the ceiling fan installed in the guest bedroom before Mom and Annice arrive tomorrow, to help circulate air in's the dampest room in the house, so the dehumidifier I have set up in there runs almost continuously....and warms the room up almost 10 degrees warmer than the rest of the house, even with the A/C running. We keep the door shut when Bongo is here, as she traditionally considers that bedroom hers, so that adds to the heat....thankfully, the dehumidifier has a timer, and since I'm thinking of it, I'll go now and set it to turn off in 12 hours, so it will cool down in the evenings for them to sleep.
What to do today?? Probably laundry....after 4 days in bed, the sheets DEFINITELY need to be washed... Jeff's Honey Do list is to get the ceiling fan installed in the guest bedroom before Mom and Annice arrive tomorrow, to help circulate air in's the dampest room in the house, so the dehumidifier I have set up in there runs almost continuously....and warms the room up almost 10 degrees warmer than the rest of the house, even with the A/C running. We keep the door shut when Bongo is here, as she traditionally considers that bedroom hers, so that adds to the heat....thankfully, the dehumidifier has a timer, and since I'm thinking of it, I'll go now and set it to turn off in 12 hours, so it will cool down in the evenings for them to sleep.
Not much exciting to report today. Day 4, I'll still be taking it easy, but the foot's feeling pretty good. Itchy, but healing itchy, not pain medication itchy. Intestines, well, they'll recover...only a couple more days of antibiotics.
One fun point today...learning to use crutches...had to have Jeff adjust them a bit higher after I got on them, tried to go forward, and fell backwards...the arm rests were a good 4 inches below where they needed to be....thankfully I've got lots of padding on my butt, because it cushioned me. I HAD thought Jeff was right behind me, and just missed catching me, so my sarcastic "Nice catch, Jeff!" was a bit misdirected...he wasn't there, so down I went, unhindered. We both learned quickly that until I get used to the crutches, he needs to stay yearby.
Off to Kroger, and what I have been looking forward to ever since it became apparent I was going to need surgery....driving those electric grocery carts that the handicapped can use.
Of course, NOT ONE handicapped parking spot was available....and I was the most handicapped of any who actually had placards and were parked in those spots...but we parked down the row, and Jeff retrieved the cart for me.
Time for the Kroger 500!! I put the "pedal" to the metal....and Jeff walked away from me. Not too much power in these things. They ARE, however, pretty maneuverable, and I was able to zip in and out around other shoppers without causing anyone injury, so it was fun.
I came out with more fresh fruit and yogurt to replace that which I had eaten since my surgery...Jeff came out with chips and cookies. This is why I seldom take him grocery shopping with me.
Next exciting day: dressing removal day. Ugh...I'm both looking forward to it, and dreading it. Wednesday to come.
I plan to post here as long-term effects, and results, become apparent...when I'm allowed to weight bear (with an orthopedic boot on, I expect), how long I need the scooter/crutches around, any affects I note from removal of the neuroma, something I'm told can have some unexpected after-effects, at least, if any of the stories you read on-line are true.
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