Post Op day 7 - Surprising pain

Well, I'm pretty much down to one Percocet in the morning and one in the evening, just Motrin through the day. However, despite the horror stories about how painful bunion surgery is, it's not my bunions that are hurting so much as the incision from my hammer toe to the top of my foot, where he removed the Neuroma. I don't know if the dressings are just rubbing wrong on that, or what, but I'll be ever so glad to get rid of the dressings tomorrow morning, see if that helps the pain.

The knee scooter ended up being the best investment....I use that daily, and the crutches rarely....but my knee, where I bear the brunt of my weight, has become inflamed and almost abraded. I have ordered a knee pad to see if that will help protect that knee. Thanks to Amazon, it should be in tomorrow, so I can try it out around town tomorrow.  Thursday we'll do Dollywood, and the hardest part of that will be not having my foot elevated on the scooter I plan to rent for the day. 

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